Source code for intercom_test.augmentation.origin_mapping_stream

from bisect import bisect_right
import io
import os

[docs]def open( path: os.PathLike, *, buffer_size: int = io.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE, ) -> io.TextIOBase: """Open a UTF-8 encoded file for reading with origin-byte tracking :param path: file path to open, like :func:`` :keyword buffer_size: size of buffer to use for :class:`io.BufferedReader` :returns: text reader with an :attr:`origin_mapper` To correctly jump to the starting point of a test case, :mod:`intercom_test` needs the *byte offset* in the file, while the YAML parser reports position in terms of characters. This requires taking the text encoding into account. To do this efficiently, the object returned by this function provides an :attr:`origin_mapper`, which is an :class:`.OriginMapper` instance. As a consequence of needing to start in the middle of the file, the only Unicode encoding that can be supported is UTF-8. The stream does not currently support seeking forward. """ return _PosmapTextWrapper(, 'rb', buffering=0), buffer_size )
class _RawPosmapStream(io.RawIOBase): def __init__(self, base_stream): self._base_stream = base_stream self._lb_invlist = [] # Leading (or single) byte mode inversion list self._chr_pos = 0 self._chr_dc = [0] # character discontinuities self._chr_cor = [0] # character corrections self._lb = True # Last byte seen was a leading byte self._crs = set() self._last_pos = base_stream.tell() def readable(self, ): return True def readinto(self, b): base = self._base_stream start_pos = base.tell() if start_pos > self._last_pos: raise IOError(f"Underlying stream skipped from {self._last_pos} to {start_pos}") if start_pos < self._last_pos: self._lb = not (bisect_right(self._lb_invlist, start_pos) & 0x1) result = base.readinto(b) for i in range(result): is_lb = (b[i] & 0xc0) != 0x80 \ and (b[i] != 0xa or (start_pos + i - 1) not in self._crs) if is_lb != self._lb: self._lb_invlist.append(start_pos + i) if is_lb: self._chr_cor.append(start_pos + i) else: self._chr_dc.append(self._chr_pos) self._lb = is_lb if is_lb: self._chr_pos += 1 if b[i] == 0xd: self._crs.add(start_pos + i) self._last_pos += result return result
[docs]class OriginMapper: __slots__ = ('discontinuities', 'corrections') def __init__(self, mapper): self.discontinuities = mapper._chr_dc self.corrections = mapper._chr_cor
[docs] def tell_of_chr(self, n): """Given a *character* index, compute the *byte* index in the source file Due to character encodings and line-ending conventions, each *character* produced from a stream comes from one *or more* bytes in the input file. Partial-reading a YAML file requires knowing the exact byte offset into the file at which to start. This function allows "back mapping" from the :attr:`index` in a YAML event's :attr:`start_mark` to the byte offset within the file. """ dc_i = bisect_right(self.discontinuities, n) - 1 cp = self.discontinuities[dc_i] return self.corrections[dc_i] + (n - cp)
class _PosmapTextWrapper(io.TextIOWrapper): def __init__(self, raw_io, buffer_size): mapped = _RawPosmapStream(raw_io) buffered = io.BufferedReader(mapped, buffer_size=buffer_size) super().__init__(buffered, encoding='utf8') self.origin_mapper = OriginMapper(mapped) self.tell_of_chr = self.origin_mapper.tell_of_chr self._to_close = [buffered, mapped, raw_io] def close(self): super().close() for l in self._to_close: l.close()