Source code for intercom_test.foreign

import json
import os.path
import re
import sys
import yaml

from . import __version__ as _package_version, __name__ as _package, framework

    from docopt_subcommands import command as subcommand, main
    from pick import Picker, pick
except ImportError:
[docs] def main(*args): print("Please install with '[cli]' extra (e.g. pip install {}[cli])".format(_package))
[docs] def subcommand(): return lambda fn: fn
[docs]class DirPicker(Menu): SELECTION_OPTION = "<this directory>" selected_path = None def __init__(self, what_for, start_dir='.', *, valid=None): super().__init__(what_for) self.start_dir = start_dir self.rel_path = '.' self._is_valid = valid or _true def reset_to_start(picker): self.rel_path = '.' return '.', -1 self.key_options.append(('r', 'restart browsing', reset_to_start))
[docs] def run(self, ): if self.selected_path is not None: del self.selected_path try: while self.selected_path is None: step_sel = self._run_menu(self._current_options()) if step_sel == self.SELECTION_OPTION: self.selected_path = self.rel_path else: self.rel_path = os.path.relpath( os.path.normpath( os.path.join(self.start_dir, self.rel_path, step_sel) ), self.start_dir ) except self.MenuCanceled: pass return self.selected_path
def _title_lines(self, ): tlines = super()._title_lines() tlines.append( "Currently at {} ({}):".format( self.rel_path, os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.start_dir, self.rel_path)) ) ) return tlines def _current_options(self, ): files = [] dirs = [] current_dir = os.path.normpath( os.path.join(self.start_dir, self.rel_path) ) for e in os.listdir(current_dir): (dirs if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(current_dir, e)) else files).append(e) meta_options = [] if self._is_valid(current_dir): meta_options.append(self.SELECTION_OPTION) meta_options.append("..") return meta_options + sorted(dirs)
def _true(*args, **kwargs): return True
[docs]class Config(object): """Configuration for command line interface""" CASE_AUGMENTATION_KEYS = frozenset(('augmentation data', 'request keys')) case_augmenter = None request_keys = () def __init__(self, filepath): if filepath is None: raise RuntimeError("Path to config file must be specified") super(Config, self).__init__() with open(filepath) as cfgfile: cfg_data = yaml.safe_load(cfgfile) ref_dir = os.path.dirname(filepath) self.interface_dir = os.path.join(ref_dir, cfg_data['interfaces']) self.service_name = cfg_data['service name'] if 'request keys' in cfg_data: self.request_keys = frozenset(cfg_data['request keys']) assert all(isinstance(k, str) for k in self.request_keys), ( "request keys must be a sequence of strings" ) if self.CASE_AUGMENTATION_KEYS < set(cfg_data.keys()): class CLICaseAugmenter(framework.CaseAugmenter): pass CLICaseAugmenter.CASE_PRIMARY_KEYS = self.request_keys self.case_augmenter = CLICaseAugmenter( os.path.join(ref_dir, cfg_data['augmentation data']) ) elif 'augmentation data' in cfg_data: print( "Case augmentation partially specified (only 'augmentation data' given)!", file=sys.stderr, )
[docs] @classmethod def build_with_cui(cls, filepath): start_dir = os.path.dirname(filepath) ifcs_relpath = DirPicker("Interfaces Directory", start_dir, valid=cls._yaml_files_in_dir).run() if ifcs_relpath is None: return False svc_name = Menu("Service Name").run(cls._yaml_files_in_dir(os.path.join(start_dir, ifcs_relpath))) if svc_name is None: return False augdata_dir = None request_keys = '' ifc_usage = Menu("Interface Usage").run(['consumer', 'provider']) if ifc_usage == 'provider': augdata_dir = DirPicker("Augmentation Data Directory", start_dir).run() if augdata_dir is not None: request_keys = input("What keys are used to specify a request (comma separated list)? ") with open(filepath, 'w') as cfgfile: w = lambda *args, **kwargs: print(*args, file=cfgfile, **kwargs) w("interfaces: " + cls._yaml_str(ifcs_relpath)) w("service name: " + cls._yaml_str(svc_name)) if augdata_dir is not None: w() w("### These keys configure augmentation data") w("request keys: [{}]".format(request_keys)) w("augmentation data: " + cls._yaml_str(augdata_dir)) return True
@classmethod def _yaml_files_in_dir(cls, dirpath): files = [] for e in os.listdir(dirpath): if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dirpath, e)) and e.endswith('.yml'): files.append(e[:-4]) return files @classmethod def _yaml_str(cls, s): if "\n" in s: raise ValueError("Cannot handle strings with newlines") return yaml.dump(s).splitlines()[0]
[docs]@subcommand() def init(options): """usage: {program} init [options] Interactively create a configuration file Options: -c CONFFILE, --config CONFFILE path to configuration file """ if options.get('--config') is None: print("REQUIRED: Use -c/--config to specify config file to write") raise SystemExit(2) if not Config.build_with_cui(options['--config']): print("*** Canceled by user ***") raise SystemExit(1)
[docs]@subcommand() def enumerate(options): """usage: {program} enumerate [options] Enumerate all test cases, including any configured augmentation data Options: -c CONFFILE, --config CONFFILE path to configuration file -o FORMAT, --output FORMAT format of output, e.g. yaml, jsonl [default: yaml] """ config = Config(options.get('--config')) icp_kwargs = {} case_provider = framework.InterfaceCaseProvider( config.interface_dir, config.service_name, case_augmenter=config.case_augmenter, ) outfmt = options['--output'] if outfmt == 'yaml': def dump(c): print('---') yaml.safe_dump(c, sys.stdout) elif outfmt == 'jsonl': def dump(c): print(json.dumps(c)) else: raise ValueError("{!r} is not a supported output format".format(outfmt)) for c in case_provider.cases(): dump(c)
[docs]@subcommand() def commit_updates(options): """usage: {program} commitupdates [options] Commit the augmentation updates to the compact files Options: -c CONFFILE, --config CONFFILE path to configuration file """ config = Config(options.get('--config')) case_provider = framework.InterfaceCaseProvider( config.interface_dir, config.service_name, case_augmenter=config.case_augmenter, ) case_provider.update_compact_files()
[docs]@subcommand() def merge_cases(options): """usage: {program} mergecases [options] Merge all extension test case files into the main test case for for the service. Options: -c CONFFILE, --config CONFFILE path to configuration file """ config = Config(options.get('--config')) case_provider = framework.InterfaceCaseProvider( config.interface_dir, config.service_name, ) case_provider.merge_test_extensions()
[docs]@subcommand() def http_stub_exchange(options): """usage: {program} hjx-stubber [options] ------------------------------- HTTP JSON Exchange Stub Service ------------------------------- Each line of JSON Lines input on STDIN is treated as a request and the corresponding response is written to STDOUT, also as JSON Lines. If the request is successfully matched against the test cases, the matching test case will be returned; in this case a 'response status' key in the response (which defaults to 200 if not specified by the test case) is guaranteed. If no matching test case is found, there will not be a 'response status' key and the returned JSON will describe how the request can be modified to come closer to one or more test cases. This subcommand is only intended to be used with HTTP retrieval of JSON or HTTP exchanges of JSON, and no provision is made here for binary data in the response body. To use additional keys in matching requests (other than `method`, `url`, and `request body`), give the keys as a sequence under `request keys` in the config file. This interacts with the consultation of augmentation data: if using augmentation data, make sure to also list `method`, `url`, and `request body` under `request keys`. Options: -c CONFFILE, --config CONFFILE path to configuration file """ config = Config(options.get('--config')) case_provider = framework.InterfaceCaseProvider( config.interface_dir, config.service_name, ) from intercom_test import http_best_matches database = http_best_matches.Database( case_provider.cases(), add_request_keys=config.request_keys, ) for line in sys.stdin: database.json_exchange(line, sys.stdout)
[docs]def csmain(): main(os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), _package_version)
if __name__ == '__main__': my_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(__file__))[0] # NOTE: Cannot use "python -m{}.{}" as the format string because docopt # interprets the "-m..." as flags to the program. main("{}.{}".format(_package, my_name), _package_version)