Source code for intercom_test.augmentation.compact_file

# Copyright 2018 PayTrace, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import enum
from io import StringIO
import itertools
import json
import os.path
import yaml
from ..cases import hash_from_fields as _hash_from_fields
from ..exceptions import DataParseError
from ..utils import def_enum
from ..yaml_tools import (
    content_events as _yaml_content_events,
    value_from_event_stream as _yaml_value_from_events,

[docs]class CaseIndexer: """Collector of case keys and their "jump indexes" in a compact file Objects of this class consume YAML events (as from :func:`yaml.parse`) and collect the test case keys and their corresponding starting offsets within the file, assuming the file represents the top level mapping in block format. """
[docs] @def_enum def State(): return 'header case_key case_data tail'
def __init__(self, ): super().__init__() self._state = self.State.header self.case_keys = []
[docs] def read(self, event): self._event = event getattr(self, '_read_from_' +
def _read_from_header(self, event): if not isinstance(event, yaml.NodeEvent): pass else: self._expect(yaml.MappingStartEvent) self._state = self.State.case_key self._jumpable = not event.flow_style def _read_from_case_key(self, event): if isinstance(event, yaml.MappingEndEvent): self._state = self.State.tail else: self._expect(yaml.ScalarEvent) self.case_keys.append((event.value, event.start_mark.index if self._jumpable else None)) self._state = self.State.case_data self._depth = 0 def _read_from_case_data(self, event): if isinstance(event, yaml.CollectionStartEvent): self._depth += 1 elif isinstance(event, yaml.CollectionEndEvent): self._depth -= 1 if self._depth == 0: self._state = self.State.case_key def _read_from_tail(self, event): if isinstance(event, (yaml.DocumentEndEvent, yaml.StreamEndEvent)): pass elif isinstance(event, yaml.DocumentStartEvent): self._state = self.State.header def _expect(self, event_type): if isinstance(self._event, event_type): return raise DataParseError( "{} where {} expected" " in line {} while reading {}".format( type(self._event).__name__, event_type.__name__, self._event.start_mark.line,"_", " "), ) )
[docs]class DataValueReader: """Reads the augmentation data for a single case in a compact file The code constructing this object should know the starting byte offset into the stream and the test case key located at that offset. This allows the reader to skip directly to that case and process only that case. """ def __init__(self, stream, start_byte, case_key): super().__init__() # instance init code self._events = yaml.parse(stream) next(self._events) # should be yaml.StreamStartEvent next(self._events) # should be yaml.DocumentStartEvent assert isinstance(next(self._events), yaml.MappingStartEvent) key_event = next(self._events) assert isinstance(key_event, yaml.ScalarEvent) assert key_event.value == case_key assert isinstance(next(self._events), yaml.MappingStartEvent)
[docs] def augment(self, d): while True: # "Peek" at next event to see if it is the end of the mapping next_event = next(self._events) if isinstance(next_event, yaml.MappingEndEvent): break # If *next_event* doesn't end the mapping, we have to chain it # in front of *self._events* to read the key key = _yaml_value_from_events( itertools.chain((next_event,), self._events) ) value = self._get_value() d.setdefault(key, value)
def _get_value(self, ): return _yaml_value_from_events(self._events)
[docs] def augmentation_data_events(self, ): depth = 0 while depth >= 0: event = next(self._events) if isinstance(event, yaml.CollectionStartEvent): depth += 1 elif isinstance(event, yaml.CollectionEndEvent): depth -= 1 if depth >= 0: yield event
[docs]def case_keys(data_file): reader = CaseIndexer() with open(data_file) as stream: for event in yaml.parse(stream): return reader.case_keys
[docs]def augment_dict_from(d, file_ref, case_key): file, start_byte = file_ref with open(file) as stream: if start_byte is None: for k, v in yaml.load(stream)[case_key].items(): d.setdefault(k, v) else: DataValueReader(stream, start_byte, case_key).augment(d)
[docs]class TestCaseAugmenter: """Callable to augment a test case from a compact entry""" def __init__(self, file_path, offset, case_key): super().__init__() self.file_path = file_path self.offset = offset self.case_key = case_key def __call__(self, d): with open(self.file_path) as stream: if self.offset is None: for k, v in yaml.load(stream)[self.case_key].items(): d.setdefault(k, v) else: DataValueReader(stream, self.offset, self.case_key).augment(d)
[docs] def case_data_events(self, ): with open(self.file_path) as stream: if self.offset is None: augmentation_data = yaml.load(stream)[self.case_key] events = list(_yaml_content_events(augmentation_data))[1:-1] yield from events else: yield from DataValueReader( stream, self.offset, self.case_key, ).augmentation_data_events()
[docs]class Updater: """YAML event-stream editor for compact augumentation data files Objects of this class support applying a set of updates/additions to the stream of YAML events from a compact augmentation data file. Each event is fed to :meth:`filter`, which returns an iterable of events to include in the output. Updates are a :class:`dict` (or similar by duck-type) keyed by *case keys*; the corresponding or return values are either a :class:`dict` of augmentation values to associate with the test case or an iterable of :class:`yaml.Event` objects representing a YAML node to be used as the augmenting value. The event list approach allows more fidelity in preserving the representation from the update file. """
[docs] @def_enum def State(): return 'header top_mapping case_data tail'
def __init__(self, updates, excluded_keys=()): super().__init__() self.updates = updates self.excluded_keys = excluded_keys self._state = self.State.header self._updated = set()
[docs] def filter(self, event): """Converts an event into an iterable of events (possibly empty)""" self._event = event return getattr(self, '_filter_{}_event'.format(
def _filter_header_event(self, event): yield event if isinstance(event, yaml.MappingStartEvent): self._state = self.State.top_mapping def _filter_top_mapping_event(self, event): if isinstance(event, yaml.MappingEndEvent): yield from self._new_case_events() yield event self._state = self.State.tail else: yield from self._filter_case_key_event(event) def _filter_case_key_event(self, event): self._expect(yaml.ScalarEvent) yield event self._state = self.State.case_data self._depth = 0 updated_value = self.updates.get(event.value) self._substituting_case_value = updated_value is not None if self._substituting_case_value: self._updated.add(event.value) if isinstance(updated_value, dict): yield from _yaml_content_events( self._augmentation_data(self.updates[event.value]) ) else: yield from updated_value def _filter_case_data_event(self, event): if isinstance(event, yaml.CollectionStartEvent): self._depth += 1 elif isinstance(event, yaml.CollectionEndEvent): self._depth -= 1 if not self._substituting_case_value: yield event if self._depth == 0: self._state = self.State.top_mapping def _new_case_events(self, ): for case_key, value in ( (k, v) for k, v in self.updates.items() if k not in self._updated ): yield yaml.ScalarEvent(None, None, (True, False), case_key) if isinstance(value, dict): yield from _yaml_content_events( self._augmentation_data(value) ) else: yield from value def _filter_tail_event(self, event): yield event def _expect(self, event_type): if isinstance(self._event, event_type): return raise DataParseError( "{} where {} expected" " in line {} while reading {}".format( type(self._event).__name__, event_type.__name__, self._event.start_mark.line,"_", " "), ) ) def _augmentation_data(self, test_case): return dict( (k, v) for k, v in test_case.items() if k not in self.excluded_keys )