icy-test Command Line Tool

Not every test harness is written in Python. To accommodate this, the intercom_test package can be installed to provide a command line tool call icy-test that provides access to the core functionality.


To install the icy-test command line tool, simply install intercom_test package with the [cli] extra, e.g.:

pip install intercom_test[cli]

This creates a command line tool named icy-test, which can be run with the --help flag to get usage information. This information will be the most recent and detailed available.

Configuration File

icy-test needs a configuration file to provide information that would, in a typical Python testing setting, be provided as parameters to the InterfaceCaseProvider constructor. The path to this file is specified with the -c or --config flag when running icy-test.

A text-mode helper for building a configuration file (which is a YAML file, usually with a .yml extension) is provided as icy-test init, and requires specifying a config file using one of the options mentioned above.

Consuming Test Cases

The main use of icy-test is to access the test cases. These are available in the output of icy-test enumerate in either a stream of YAML documents (one per test case) or as JSON Lines (each line contains a JSON document).

Committing Augmentation Data Updates

Where InterfaceCaseProvider used within a Python testing framework can provide case runners that can automatically update the compact augmentation data files when all test cases have passed, no such facility is easily implemented when consuming the test cases from another process and/or language. The augmentation data changes embodied in the update files need to be explicitly committed to the compact files by running icy-test commitupdates.

Merging Interface Extension Test Cases To Main File

Use the icy-test mergecases subcommand to invoke intercom_test.framework.InterfaceCaseProvider.merge_test_extensions() with appropriate setup taken from the icy-test configuration file.