Source code for intercom_test.aws_http

"""Module for adapting HTTP requests to AWS API Gateway events"""

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from base64 import b64encode, b64decode
from collections import Counter
from import Mapping
import contextlib
import importlib
import inspect
import json
from pathlib import Path
import re
import subprocess as subp
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Iterable, Optional, Tuple, Union as OneOf
from urllib.parse import urlparse, parse_qsl, ParseResult as ParsedUrl
from intercom_test.utils import attributed_error, optional_key

AwsLambdaHandler = Callable[[dict, dict], dict]
ApiAdapter = Callable

[docs]@attributed_error class NoRoute(Exception): """Raised when no route matched the given method and path""" ATTRIBUTES = 'method path' def __str__(self, ): return "{} {}".format(self.method, self.path)
[docs]@attributed_error class InvalidPathTemplate(Exception): """Raised when an invalid routing path template""" ATTRIBUTES = 'path_template error_index' def __str__(self, ): return "invalid template syntax at character index {i} of {tmplt}".format( i=self.error_index, tmplt=self.path_template )
[docs]@attributed_error class UnexpectedResponseBody(AssertionError): """Raised when the expected HTTP response was not generated""" ATTRIBUTES = 'actual expected' def __str__(self): actual = self._format_body(self.actual) expected = self._format_body(self.expected) return "\n ----- ACTUAL -----\n{actual}\n\n ----- EXPECTED -----\n{expected}".format( actual=actual, expected=expected, ) @classmethod def _format_body(cls, body, indent=4): if isinstance(body, str): body = json.dumps(body) elif isinstance(body, bytes): content = ' '.join("%02x" % b for b in body) if len(content) > 100: content = content[:97] + '...' body = "<(binary) {content}>".format(content=content) else: body = json.dumps(body, indent=4) return ('\n' + body).replace('\n', '\n' + (indent * ' '))
[docs]class HandlerMapper(ABC): """Abstract base class for classes that can map HTTP requests to handlers"""
[docs] @abstractmethod def map(self, method: str, path: str) -> AwsLambdaHandler: # pragma: no cover """Given an HTTP method and request path, return a handler function""" raise Exception("pure abstract method called")
[docs]class FunctionalHandlerMapper(HandlerMapper): """Adapter class to convert a mapper function to a :class:`HandlerMapper`""" def __init__(self, mapper: Callable[[str, str], AwsLambdaHandler]): super().__init__() self._mapper = mapper
[docs] def map(self, method: str, path: str) -> AwsLambdaHandler: return self._mapper(method, path)
[docs]class ServerlessHandlerMapper(HandlerMapper): """A :class:`HandlerMapper` drawing information from a Serverless project config :param project_dir: root directory of the Serverless project The typical usage of this class is with :class:`~intercom_test.framework.InterfaceCaseProvider`, as:: import intercom_test.aws_http def around_interface_case(case: dict): # Some kind of setup, possibly using *case* try: yield finally: # The corresponding teardown def test_interface_entrypoints(): case_provider = intercom_test.InterfaceCaseProvider(<args>) service = intercom_test.aws_http.ServerlessHandlerMapper(<path-to-serverless-project>) for test_runner in case_provider.case_runners( service.case_tester(case_env=around_interface_case) ): yield (test_runner,) """ config_file = 'serverless.yml' def __init__(self, project_dir: OneOf[str, Path]): """Construct an instance""" super().__init__() self._project_dir = Path(project_dir) @property def project_dir(self) -> Path: """Directory of the project""" return self._project_dir
[docs] def map(self, method: str, path: str) -> AwsLambdaHandler: """Use routing defined in the Serverless config to map a handler""" if not hasattr(self, '_routing'): self._build_routing() for path_param_parser, handler in self._routing: path_params = path_param_parser(method, path) if path_params is not None: # Integrate path_params into the event dict passed to handler under the key "pathParameters" return lambda event, context: handler( dict(event, pathParameters=path_params), context ) raise NoRoute(method, path)
[docs] def case_tester(self, api_style: Optional[ApiAdapter] = None, **kwargs) -> Callable[[dict], None]: """Convenience method for applying the HTTP API event adapter/testing logic The result of this method is intended to be passed to :meth:`intercom_test.framework.InterfaceCaseProvider.case_runners`. See :class:`.HttpCasePreparer` and :class:`.CasePreparer` for information on keys of the test case that are consulted in constructing the Lambda Function input event. See :func:`.confirm_expected_response` for information on keys of the test case consulted when evaluating the Lambda Function response. """ if api_style is None: api_style = ala_http_api return api_style(self, **kwargs)
def _build_routing(self, ) -> None: """Call 'serverless print' and pull out resource-to-handler routing""" serverless = self._get_rendered_serverless_config() routing = [] for fn_info in serverless['functions'].values(): routing.extend(_serverless_function_routes(fn_info)) # Sort routes (literals have precedence over params) routing.sort(key=_routing_entry_sort_key) self._routing = routing def _get_rendered_serverless_config(self, ) -> dict: # pragma: no cover # This method invokes the "serverless" program; it can be overridden for testing return json.loads(subp.check_output( ['serverless', 'print', '--format', 'json', '--config', self.config_file], cwd=self._project_dir, ))
def _serverless_function_routes(fn_info: dict): # Generate (request_matcher, handler) pairs for a value in the 'functions' # dict from a Serverless config module_name, fn_name = fn_info['handler'].rsplit('.', 1) module_name = module_name.replace('/', '.') module = importlib.import_module(module_name) for method, path_template in _httpApi_routes(fn_info['events']): handler = getattr(module, fn_name) handler = LambdaHandlerProxy(handler, resource=path_template) yield (OpenAPIPathMatcher(method, path_template), handler) def _httpApi_routes(event_list: list): # Generate (method, path_template) pairs from an 'events' entry under an # entry of 'functions' in a Serverless config for entry in event_list: http_event = entry.get('httpApi') if http_event is None: continue if http_event == '*': http_event = '* /{proxy+}' if isinstance(http_event, str): method, path_template = http_event.split(maxsplit=1) method = method.lower() yield (method, path_template) else: yield (http_event['method'], http_event['path']) # TODO: This implementation of OpenAPIPathMatcher restricts parameters to # segments between slashes, which is more restrictive than the OpenAPI # specification; fix to remove this restriction PATH_TEMPLATE_SEGMENT = re.compile(r'/(?:(?:\{(?P<param>[^}]+)\})|(?P<lit>(?!\{)[^/]+))') PATH_SEGMENT = re.compile(r'/(?P<value>[^/]+)')
[docs]class OpenAPIPathMatcher: """A callable class to match and extract parameters from a URL path :param route_method: HTTP method or ``'*'`` for a wildcard :param route_path: path part of a URL to match, which may include OpenAPI template parameters Instances accept a call with an HTTP method and a URL path-part and return either ``None`` for no match, or a :class:`dict` mapping path parameter names to their extracted values. A returned mapping may be empty, so be sure to use the ``is not None`` test instead of implicit conversion to :class:`bool`. NOTE: With the current implementation, template parameters are only allowed to match a full segment of the path (between slashes or from a slash to the end of the path). """
[docs] class Param(str): """String giving the name of a path parameter""" @property def isvartail(self): return self.endswith('+')
def __init__(self, route_method: str, route_path: str): """Construct an instance""" super().__init__() self.method = route_method self.path = route_path self.path_segments = [] match_start = 0 while match_start < len(route_path): seg = PATH_TEMPLATE_SEGMENT.match(route_path, match_start) if seg is None: raise InvalidPathTemplate(route_path, match_start) if'param'): param = self.Param('param')) if param.isvartail and seg.span()[1] < len(route_path): raise InvalidPathTemplate(route_path, seg.span()[1]) self.path_segments.append(param) elif'lit'): self.path_segments.append('lit')) else: # pragma: no cover raise Exception("unknown path segment type for {!r}".format( match_start = seg.span()[1] def __call__(self, request_method: str, request_path: str) -> Optional[dict]: """See class documentation""" if self.method != '*' and request_method != self.method: return None template_segments = list(self.path_segments) match_start = 0 captured_params = {} for template_seg in template_segments: matching_param = isinstance(template_seg, self.Param) if matching_param and template_seg.isvartail: captured_params[template_seg[:-1]] = request_path[match_start + 1:] match_start = len(request_path) continue request_seg = PATH_SEGMENT.match(request_path, match_start) if request_seg is None: return None if matching_param: captured_params[template_seg[:]] ='value') elif'value') != template_seg: return None match_start = request_seg.span()[1] if match_start < len(request_path): return None return captured_params def __repr__(self, ): return "<{} method={!r} path={!r}>".format( type(self).__name__, self.method, self.path, )
def _routing_entry_sort_key(route_entry: Tuple[OpenAPIPathMatcher, AwsLambdaHandler]) -> Tuple[Tuple[int, str], ...]: path_segs = route_entry[0].path_segments def seg_sort_key(seg): is_param = isinstance(seg, OpenAPIPathMatcher.Param) return ( 1 if is_param else 0, '' if is_param else seg, ) return tuple(seg_sort_key(seg) for seg in path_segs)
[docs]class LambdaHandlerProxy: """Wrapper for a Lambda handler allowing decoration with additional attributes A single handler function may be bound to multiple integrations, and the information relevant to that binding may be useful or needed for constructing the event to send to the handler. """ def __init__(self, handler: AwsLambdaHandler, *, resource: Optional[str] = None): super().__init__() self.handler = handler self.resource = resource def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.handler(*args, **kwargs) def __repr__(self, ): parts = [ type(self).__name__, "for {}.{}".format(self.handler.__module__, self.handler.__qualname__) ] if self.resource: parts.append("(mapped from {!r})".format(self.resource)) return "<{}>".format(' '.join(parts))
[docs]def ala_rest_api(handler_mapper: HandlerMapper, context: Optional[dict] = None, case_env=None) -> Callable[[dict], None]: """Build a case tester from a :class:`HandlerMapper` for a REST API :param handler_mapper: maps from method and path to an AWS Lambda handler function :param context: optional context information to pass to the identified handler :param case_env: context function for setup/teardown with access to the test case The *case_env* (if given) must be either a generator function that yields a single time or a callable returning a *context manager*. If a generator function is given, it is converted to a context manager constructor with :func:`contextlib.contextmanager`. In either case, the context manager constructor is invoked with the test case data :class:`dict` around invocation of the handler callable. See :class:`.RestCasePreparer` and :class:`.CasePreparer` for information on keys of the test case that are consulted in constructing the Lambda Function input event. """ if context is None: context = {} case_env = _case_env_contextmanager(case_env) def tester(case): input_key = 'AWS Lambda input' case[input_key] = RestCasePreparer(case).lambda_input() handler = case[input_key]['httpMethod'], case[input_key]['path'] ) if hasattr(handler, 'resource'): case[input_key]['resource'] = handler.resource with case_env(case): handler_result = handler(case[input_key], context) confirm_expected_response(handler_result, case) return tester
[docs]def ala_http_api(handler_mapper: HandlerMapper, context: Optional[dict] = None, case_env=None) -> Callable[[dict], None]: """Build a case tester from a :class:`HandlerMapper` for an HTTP API :param handler_mapper: maps from method and path to an AWS Lambda handler function :param context: optional context information to pass to the identified handler :param case_env: context function for setup/teardown with access to the test case The *case_env* (if given) must be either a generator function that yields a single time or a callable returning a *context manager*. If a generator function is given, it is converted to a context manager constructor with :func:`contextlib.contextmanager`. In either case, the context manager constructor is invoked with the test case data :class:`dict` around invocation of the handler callable. See :class:`.HttpCasePreparer` and :class:`.CasePreparer` for information on keys of the test case that are consulted in constructing the Lambda Function input event. See :func:`.confirm_expected_response` for information on keys of the test case consulted when evaluating the Lambda Function response. """ if context is None: context = {} case_env = _case_env_contextmanager(case_env) def tester(case): input_key = 'AWS Lambda input' case[input_key] = HttpCasePreparer(case).lambda_input() handler = case[input_key]['requestContext']['http']['method'], case[input_key]['rawPath'] ) with case_env(case): handler_result = handler(case[input_key], context) handler_result = _http_conformed_result(handler_result) confirm_expected_response(handler_result, case) return tester
def _http_conformed_result(result: OneOf[Mapping, str, Iterable]) -> dict: """Apply HTTP API v2.0 Lambda function output rules""" if isinstance(result, Mapping) and 'statusCode' in result: return result if isinstance(result, dict) else dict(result) if not isinstance(result, str): result = json.dumps(result) return dict( isBase64Encoded=False, statusCode=200, body=result, headers={ "Content-Type": "application/json", }, ) def _case_env_contextmanager(case_env): if case_env is None: return lambda _: _nullcontext() if not inspect.isgeneratorfunction(case_env): return case_env return contextlib.contextmanager(case_env)
[docs]class CasePreparer: """Common base class for building an AWS API Gateway event for a Lambda Function :param case: test case data The following keys in *case* are consulted when generating the Lambda Function input value (:meth:`.lambda_input`): ``'method'`` (:class:`str`, **required**) The HTTP method ``'url'`` (:class:`str`, **required**) The path part of the URL ``'stageVariables'`` (:class:`dict`) Mapping of stage variables to their values ``'request headers'`` (:class:`dict` or list of 2-item lists) HTTP headers for request ``'request body'`` A :class:`str`, :class:`bytes`, or JSONic data type giving the body of the request to test; JSONic data is rendered to JSON for submission and implies a ``Content-Type`` header of ``'application/json'`` Subclasses may also consult additional keys in *case*; see the documentation of the subclass. """ def __init__(self, case: Mapping): """Construct an instance""" super().__init__() self._case = case @property def method(self) -> str: """HTTP method of the test case""" return self._case.get('method', 'get').lower() @property def url(self) -> ParsedUrl: """URL of the test case""" if not hasattr(self, '_url'): self._url = urlparse(self._case['url']) return self._url
[docs] def lambda_input(self, ) -> dict: """Get the Lambda Function input for the test case""" if not hasattr(self, '_event'): self._build_event() return self._event
def _build_event(self, ): self._event = event = self._get_base_fields() for vars in self._if_given('stageVariables'): event['stageVariables'] = vars self._incorporate_authorization() self._incorporate_qsparams() self._incorporate_headers() for body in self._if_given('request body'): _build_aws_event_body(body, event) def _incorporate_authorization(self, ): # pragma: no cover # Subclass can skip implementing this if desired pass def _if_given(self, key): # Use this like: # # for vars in self._if_given('stageVariables'): # <body to execute if 'stageVariables' is present in test case data> return optional_key(self._case, key)
[docs]class RestCasePreparer(CasePreparer): """Prepare Lambda Function input event for REST API :param case: test case data In addition to the keys listed in base class :class:`CasePreparer`, this class also consults the following optional keys of *case* when building the Lambda Function input: ``'identity'`` (:class:`dict`) Client identity information used to populate ``$.requestContext.identity`` """ def _get_base_fields(self, ): case = self._case _, stage, path = self.url.path.split('/', 2) return dict( requestContext=dict( stage=stage, ), stageVariables={}, path='/' + path, httpMethod=self.method, queryStringParameters={}, multiValueQueryStringParameters={}, headers={}, multiValueHeaders={}, isBase64Encoded=False, ) def _incorporate_authorization(self, ): for identity in self._if_given('identity'): self._event['requestContext']['identity'] = identity def _incorporate_qsparams(self, ): self._capture_named( 'queryStringParameters', 'multiValueQueryStringParameters', parse_qsl(self.url.query) ) def _incorporate_headers(self, ): for headers in self._if_given('request headers'): if hasattr(headers, 'items') and callable(headers.items): headers = headers.items() self._capture_named( 'headers', 'multiValueHeaders', headers ) def _capture_named(self, last_values_key, multi_values_key, name_value_pairs): last_values = self._event[last_values_key] multi_values = self._event[multi_values_key] for name, value in name_value_pairs: last_values[name] = value multi_values.setdefault(name, []).append(value)
[docs]class HttpCasePreparer(CasePreparer): """Prepare Lambda Function input event for HTTP API :param case: test case data In addition to the keys listed in base class :class:`CasePreparer`, this class also consults the following optional keys of *case* when building the Lambda Function input: ``'client certificate'`` (:class:`dict`) The field of the client certificate provided for the test, to populate ``$.requestContext.authentication.clientCert`` ``'request authorization'`` (:class:`dict`) Used to populate ``$.requestContext.authorizer`` """ def _get_base_fields(self, ): case = self._case return dict( requestContext=dict( http=dict( method=self.method, path=self.url.path, protocol='HTTP/1.1', ), authentication={}, authorizer={}, ), stageVariables={}, rawPath=self.url.path, rawQueryString=self.url.query, queryStringParameters={}, headers={}, isBase64Encoded=False, ) def _incorporate_authorization(self, ): for certificate in self._if_given('client certificate'): self._event['requestContext']['authentication']['clientCert'] = certificate for authorization in self._if_given('request authorization'): self._event['requestContext']['authorizer'] = authorization def _incorporate_qsparams(self, ): event_qsparams = self._event['queryStringParameters'] for name, value in parse_qsl(self.url.query): self._accum_multivalue(event_qsparams, name, value) def _incorporate_headers(self, ): for headers in self._if_given('request headers'): if hasattr(headers, 'items') and callable(headers.items): headers = headers.items() event_headers = self._event['headers'] for name, value in headers: # TODO: Special case for cookies self._accum_multivalue(event_headers, name, value) def _accum_multivalue(self, d, key, value): if key in d: d[key] += ',' + str(value) else: d[key] = value
def _build_aws_event_body(request_body: OneOf[str, bytes, list, dict], aws_event: dict) -> None: """Modify the AWS Lambda input event based on request body The type of *request_body* determines how the body is represented in *aws_event*. The ``'body'`` and ``'isBase64Encoded'`` keys of *aws_event* and the ``'Content-Type'`` subkey of ``aws_event['headers']`` and ``aws_event['multiValueHeaders']`` may be assigned, depending on the data in *request_body*. When this function is called, *aws_event* is expected to *not* have any request-body-related information set. """ if isinstance(request_body, str): aws_event['body'] = request_body elif isinstance(request_body, bytes): aws_event.update(body=b64encode(request_body).decode('ASCII'), isBase64Encoded=True) else: aws_event['body'] = json.dumps(request_body) content_type = 'application/json' aws_event['headers']['Content-Type'] = content_type if 'multiValueHeaders' in aws_event: aws_event['multiValueHeaders']['Content-Type'] = [content_type]
[docs]def confirm_expected_response(handler_result: dict, case: dict) -> None: """Confirm that the (normalized) output of the handler meets case expectations :param handler_result: result from the Lambda Function handler :param case: the test case data Normalization of the handler function output *does not occur* in this function; normalize *handler_result* before passing it in. The following keys in *case* are consulted when evaluating the Lambda Function response: ``'response status'`` (:class:`int`) The HTTP response status code number expected, defaulting to 200 ``'response headers'`` (:class:`dict` or list of 2-item lists) HTTP headers required in the response; if a header is listed here and is returned as a multi-value header (in ``'multiValueHeaders'``), the *set* of values in the response is expected to match the *set* of values listed here in the test case ``'response body'`` (**required**) A :class:`str`, :class:`bytes`, or JSONic data type giving the expected body of the response; JSONic data is compared against the response by parsing the body of the response as JSON, then comparing to the data given here in the test case """ _confirm_response_code( handler_result['statusCode'], case.get('response status', 200) ) for expected_headers in optional_key(case, 'response headers'): _confirm_response_headers( handler_result.get('headers', {}), handler_result.get('multiValueHeaders', {}), expected_headers ) _confirm_response_body(handler_result, case['response body'])
def _confirm_response_code(actual: int, expected: int) -> None: assert actual == expected, ( "expected HTTP response code {expected}, but got {actual}".format( expected=expected, actual=actual, ) ) def _confirm_response_headers(actual_headers: Dict[str, str], actual_mv_headers: Dict[str, Iterable[str]], expected_headers: OneOf[Dict[str, str], Iterable[Tuple[str, str]]]): if hasattr(expected_headers, 'items'): expected_headers = expected_headers.items() errors = [] mv_header_counts = Counter() for name, value in expected_headers: if name in actual_headers and actual_headers[name] == value: pass elif name in actual_mv_headers and value in actual_mv_headers[name]: mv_header_counts[name] += 1 else: errors.append( "header {name!r} not found with value {value!r}".format( name=name, value=value, ) ) for name, expected_count in mv_header_counts.items(): if name not in actual_headers: pass elif actual_headers[name] not in actual_mv_headers[name]: expected_count -= 1 actual_count = len(actual_mv_headers[name]) if actual_count != expected_count: errors.append( "multi-valued header {name!r} appeared with {actual_count} value(s), but expected {expected_count}".format( name=name, actual_count=actual_count, expected_count=expected_count, ) ) if len(errors) == 1: raise AssertionError(errors[0]) if errors: raise AssertionError('\n * '.join(['multiple errors'] + errors)) def _confirm_response_body(handler_result: dict, expected: OneOf[str, bytes, list, dict]) -> None: actual = None try: assert isinstance(handler_result, dict), "handler result MUST be a dict" assert 'body' in handler_result, "handler result MUST have a 'body'" if isinstance(expected, str): actual = handler_result['body'] assert handler_result['body'] == expected elif isinstance(expected, bytes): assert handler_result.get('isBase64Encoded', False), ( "handler result was not Base64 encoded (isBase64Encoded=False) when expected body is binary data" ) actual = b64decode(handler_result['body']) assert b64decode(handler_result['body']) == expected else: actual = json.loads(handler_result['body']) assert json.loads(handler_result['body']) == expected except AssertionError as e: if actual is None: raise e raise UnexpectedResponseBody(actual, expected).with_traceback(e.__traceback__) from e # Fallback for Python < 3.7 _nullcontext = getattr(contextlib, 'nullcontext', contextlib.ExitStack)