Source code for intercom_test.foreign

import json
import os.path
import re
import sys
import yaml

from . import __version__ as _package_version, __name__ as _package, framework

    from docopt_subcommands import command as subcommand, main
    from pick import Picker, pick
except ImportError:
[docs] def main(*args): print("Please install with '[cli]' extra (e.g. pip install {}[cli])".format(_package))
[docs] def subcommand(): return lambda fn: fn
[docs]class DirPicker(Menu): SELECTION_OPTION = "<this directory>" selected_path = None def __init__(self, what_for, start_dir='.', *, valid=None): super().__init__(what_for) self.start_dir = start_dir self.rel_path = '.' self._is_valid = valid or _true def reset_to_start(picker): self.rel_path = '.' return '.', -1 self.key_options.append(('r', 'restart browsing', reset_to_start))
[docs] def run(self, ): if self.selected_path is not None: del self.selected_path try: while self.selected_path is None: step_sel = self._run_menu(self._current_options()) if step_sel == self.SELECTION_OPTION: self.selected_path = self.rel_path else: self.rel_path = os.path.relpath( os.path.normpath( os.path.join(self.start_dir, self.rel_path, step_sel) ), self.start_dir ) except self.MenuCanceled: pass return self.selected_path
def _title_lines(self, ): tlines = super()._title_lines() tlines.append( "Currently at {} ({}):".format( self.rel_path, os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.start_dir, self.rel_path)) ) ) return tlines def _current_options(self, ): files = [] dirs = [] current_dir = os.path.normpath( os.path.join(self.start_dir, self.rel_path) ) for e in os.listdir(current_dir): (dirs if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(current_dir, e)) else files).append(e) meta_options = [] if self._is_valid(current_dir): meta_options.append(self.SELECTION_OPTION) meta_options.append("..") return meta_options + sorted(dirs)
def _true(*args, **kwargs): return True
[docs]class Config(object): """Configuration for command line interface""" CASE_AUGMENTATION_KEYS = frozenset(('augmentation data', 'request keys')) case_augmenter = None def __init__(self, filepath): super(Config, self).__init__() with open(filepath) as cfgfile: cfg_data = yaml.safe_load(cfgfile) ref_dir = os.path.dirname(filepath) self.interface_dir = os.path.join(ref_dir, cfg_data['interfaces']) self.service_name = cfg_data['service name'] which_aug_keys = self.CASE_AUGMENTATION_KEYS & set(cfg_data.keys()) if self.CASE_AUGMENTATION_KEYS == which_aug_keys: class CLICaseAugmenter(framework.CaseAugmenter): pass CLICaseAugmenter.CASE_PRIMARY_KEYS = frozenset(cfg_data['request keys']) self.case_augmenter = CLICaseAugmenter( os.path.join(ref_dir, cfg_data['augmentation data']) ) elif which_aug_keys: print("Case augmentation partially specified (only {} given)!".format( ', '.join(repr(k) for k in which_aug_keys) ), file=sys.stderr)
[docs] @classmethod def build_with_cui(cls, filepath): start_dir = os.path.dirname(filepath) ifcs_relpath = DirPicker("Interfaces Directory", start_dir, valid=cls._yaml_files_in_dir).run() if ifcs_relpath is None: return False svc_name = Menu("Service Name").run(cls._yaml_files_in_dir(os.path.join(start_dir, ifcs_relpath))) if svc_name is None: return False augdata_dir = None request_keys = '' ifc_usage = Menu("Interface Usage").run(['consumer', 'provider']) if ifc_usage == 'provider': augdata_dir = DirPicker("Augmentation Data Directory", start_dir).run() if augdata_dir is not None: request_keys = input("What keys are used to specify a request (comma separated list)? ") with open(filepath, 'w') as cfgfile: w = lambda *args, **kwargs: print(*args, file=cfgfile, **kwargs) w("interfaces: " + cls._yaml_str(ifcs_relpath)) w("service name: " + cls._yaml_str(svc_name)) if augdata_dir is not None: w() w("### These keys configure augmentation data") w("request keys: [{}]".format(request_keys)) w("augmentation data: " + cls._yaml_str(augdata_dir)) return True
@classmethod def _yaml_files_in_dir(cls, dirpath): files = [] for e in os.listdir(dirpath): if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dirpath, e)) and e.endswith('.yml'): files.append(e[:-4]) return files @classmethod def _yaml_str(cls, s): if "\n" in s: raise ValueError("Cannot handle strings with newlines") return yaml.dump(s).splitlines()[0]
[docs]@subcommand() def init(options): """usage: {program} init [options] Interactively create a configuration file Options: -c CONFFILE, --config CONFFILE path to configuration file """ if not Config.build_with_cui(options['--config']): print("*** Canceled by user ***") raise SystemExit(1)
[docs]@subcommand() def enumerate(options): """usage: {program} enumerate [options] Enumerate all test cases, including any configured augmentation data Options: -c CONFFILE, --config CONFFILE path to configuration file -o FORMAT, --output FORMAT format of output, e.g. yaml, jsonl [default: yaml] """ config = Config(options.get('--config')) icp_kwargs = {} case_provider = framework.InterfaceCaseProvider( config.interface_dir, config.service_name, case_augmenter=config.case_augmenter, ) outfmt = options['--output'] if outfmt == 'yaml': def dump(c): print('---') yaml.safe_dump(c, sys.stdout) elif outfmt == 'jsonl': def dump(c): print(json.dumps(c)) else: raise ValueError("{!r} is not a supported output format".format(outfmt)) for c in case_provider.cases(): dump(c)
[docs]@subcommand() def commit_updates(options): """usage: {program} commitupdates [options] Commit the augmentation updates to the compact files Options: -c CONFFILE, --config CONFFILE path to configuration file """ config = Config(options.get('--config')) case_provider = framework.InterfaceCaseProvider( config.interface_dir, config.service_name, case_augmenter=config.case_augmenter, ) case_provider.update_compact_files()
[docs]@subcommand() def merge_cases(options): """usage: {program} mergecases [options] Merge all extension test case files into the main test case for for the service. Options: -c CONFFILE, --config CONFFILE path to configuration file """ config = Config(options.get('--config')) case_provider = framework.InterfaceCaseProvider( config.interface_dir, config.service_name, ) case_provider.merge_test_extensions()
[docs]def csmain(): main(sys.argv[0], _package_version)
if __name__ == '__main__': my_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(__file__))[0] # NOTE: Cannot use "python -m{}.{}" as the format string because docopt # interprets the "-m..." as flags to the program. main("{}.{}".format(_package, my_name), _package_version)